Apache::AppWrap::Doorknob - Perl handler for entering the AppWrap site.


Enter this line in the Apache configuration file:

    PerlModule  Apache::AppWrap::Doorknob

or put this line in the mod_perl startup file:

    use Apache::AppWrap::Doorknob;


Apache::AppWrap::Doorknob is one of the first handlers to process each request to this site. It functions as a dispatcher, assigning response handlers to incoming requests. It is installed as a PerlInitHandler by entering this line in the Apache configuration file:

    PerlInitHandler Apache::AppWrap::Doorknob

Doorknob first parses the URI, testing if the first component, called a ``table'' throughout this site, exists as a valid tablename in table my_tables. If not, it declines to handle the request.

Doorknob then defines the $opts hash reference and pre-loads it with references to other tables, such as my_columns, my_exceptions and my_defaults, which contain site configuration directives.

Next it checks my_tables for a handler assigned to this table. If so, the handler is pushed as a response handler and Doorknob exits.

If no handler is assigned in my_tables one is assigned based upon the second URI component. If the second component is not recognized Doorknob declines to handle the request.

If there is no second component Doorknob assigns a default handler and exits.


None by default.


Russell Lundberg <>

