AppWrap - Content Management System for table-based Enterprise data.


Put this line in the AppWrap mod_perl file:

    use AppWrap;


AppWrap - Distribution for creating dynamic websites of enterprise data. Includes perl modules in the Apache::AppWrap namespace, various documentation, config files, and images: everything needed for creating a complete stand-alone web site or for augmenting an existing site with dynamic data.

Get the latest version at


AppWrap gets installed just like any other Perl module:

  % perl Makefile.PL
  % make && make install

(``%'' in this context indicates the prompt of your system.) You will be asked to designate a directory to install supplementary files. If the directory does not exist it will be created.

Then load the database and add a user

  % /path/to/mysqladmin CREATE AppWrap
  % /path/to/mysql AppWrap < ./demo_db.txt
  % /path/to/mysql mysql < ./create_dbuser.txt

Now start apache with this command:

  % /path/to/httpd -D (Unix|Win32) -f /path/to/AppWrap/conf/AppWrap.conf

Choose the Directive, Unix or Win32, appropriate for your system.

Access to the AppWrap demo database starts with this URI:


Authentication is enabled by default. Login as user ``guest'' using password ``guest''. Any edits or adds to the demo database will be attributed to this user. For other users try rolling your own Authentication module.


    Apache::Registry ();          
    Apache::DBI ()
    DBI ()
    Date::Format ()
    Date::Parse ()
    Date::Calc ()
    GD::Graph ()
    Apache::GD::Graph ()
    Apache::Request ()
    Carp ()
    CGI::Cookie ()
    File::Spec ()


AppWrap is copyright 2000-2002, Russell Lundberg It is covered by the GNU General Public License and by the Perl ``Artistic License'' See the Artistic License in the Perl source package for details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License alongwith AppWrap (COPYING); if not, go to or write to theFree Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307, USA.


Release 0.04 made many documentation improvements, made the demo database more clear and began cleanup of, the AppWrap administrative script. This release, 0.05, includes numerous bug fixes, documentation clean up and a complete rewrite of The rewrite includes new administrative options and streamlines the way the script is organized and the way it runs. Because of these changes it will be much easier to extend it in the future.

This release also concludes the migration from our production environment to a fully generic Open Source distribution. We believe all bugs related to that migration have been found and fixed, and all links now function as expected. Please report to SourceForge any bugs found.

There is definitely a bug in the diplay of summary pages (executed by clicking on a 'contacts' or 'projects' tabs.) Summary subs in general would benefit from an overhaul. We'll get that for the next release, as for now it works well enough to not hold up the other improvements.

Changes thus far primarily have been aimed at improving the installability of the distribution; overall AppWrap functionalitys not markedly increased. Going forward we will continue working on these issues, and on extending the core functionality. We've quite a few suggested and possible upgrades. Here's an abbreviated list. Happy camping.


None by default. %config can be imported by using modules.


Russell Lundberg <>